In nearly 3 decades on the Supreme Court, Scalia became famous for his dissents. This sparked an ongoing debate over how the courts should interpret the Constitution. Scalia took a hard stand against issues such as abortion, gay rights, affirmative action and religion.
"He was a fundamentalist in both his faith and his
constitutional interpretation"
- former Solicitor General, Paul Clement
- former Solicitor General, Paul Clement
Scalia naturally sparked many heated debates, often resulting in extreme rhetoric that became counterproductive for both sides. Despite public opinion, Scalia stood consistent in his beliefs and his interpretation of the Constitution. No matter what was happening in the nation, Scalia was always clear about where he stood.
As a Nation, we have enough on our plate with the
election coming up. Scalia’s death will only intensify all the extreme rhetoric
we've been hearing since last summer. The President is going to nominate his
replacement but the Republican majority U.S. Senate has to "advise and
consent". The Senate majority is
going to want to stall until after the election and then have the new President
withdraw the nomination of whomever Obama nominates and submit another
"Advise and consent" is the language in the
Constitution referring to the Senate's role when the President nominates
someone to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"In an era of endlessly raging culture
tolerance has become something of a lost art. Instead,
we dig in our heels and declare sides."
tolerance has become something of a lost art. Instead,
we dig in our heels and declare sides."
With the passing of Justice Scalia, the upcoming elections
will now be more polarized than they already are. Voters are not just fighting for a
president but also for control of the U.S. Senate and Supreme Court. Democrats have the best
chance in years to retake the chamber, because 24 Republican incumbents are up
for reelection. In an era of congressional gridlock, Democrats believe that an
Obama nominee could rebalance the court. However, the Republicans are ready to
fight to the death to protect the conservative principles which they believe
this Country is founded upon. With the GOP's pledge to thwart any Obama nominee,
the Supreme Court will become one of the major issues in this presidential
race. Hopefully, both Democrats and Republicans will remember the example of the collegiality set by Justice Scalia and Justice Ginsburg and temper their differences with respect for one another. For that is the lubricant which permits the workings of democracy to operate smoothly.
Andrew Lloyd is a member of the bar of the US Supreme Court, the California Federal District Court and the California State Bar. He is currently practicing criminal defense law in Orange County Califiornia.